
The Wire: 10 Major Flaws Of The Show That Fans Choose To Ignore - Screen Rant

The Wire will invariably make its way onto a conversation about some of the best and most compelling shows ever created. The hard-hitting series that depicts the effect of drugs and crime in Baltimore makes for one of the most riveting television shows in quite some time, with the brutal realism of some of the scenes on The Wire being a key component of its runaway success.

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That being said, one has to admit that The Wire isn't a perfect show by any stretch of the imagination. If anything, there are actually several problems in the show that definitely raise some questions, but most people are completely fine with ignoring such glaring issues in the grand scheme of things.

10 Hamsterdam's Creation Is Utterly Ridiculous

While Season 3's depiction of Hamsterdam is definitely one of the more entertaining parts of the show, there's no denying the fact that this concept itself is ridiculously flawed from the get-go.

The fact that no one noticed or complained about the fact that drugs were being sold under the full purview of the police is rather hard to believe. After all, it's not like the operation was subtle by any means.

9 Kima's Girlfriend Becomes A Sleazeball Out Of The Blue

The Wire Kima Greggs At Desk Wearing Lanyard

Kima's relationship with her long-lasting partner on the show served as a way for the character to stabilize herself, which is why she goes completely off the rails after her girlfriend randomly brings another person to the house and expects Kima to be fine with it.

This is a ridiculous and contrived turn of events since Kima's girlfriend has been portrayed as a stand-up character for the longest time - until this particular scene, that is.

8 Stringer Bell Giving The Sensitive Task Of Killing Clay Davis To The Newcomer Slim Charles Is Odd

Clay Davis was a corrupt senator who was definitely quite a loose cannon, and Stringer Bell was convinced that Davis would end up being a liability further down the line. Therefore, he decided to order his killing and entrusted the task to one of the newcomers in his organization.

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While Slim Charles might've shown himself to be quite competent in the short time that he'd been a part of the Barksdale Organization, there's still no denying the fact that he's still a greenhorn who should've never been entrusted with such a sensitive task in the first place.

7 D'Angelo Barksdale's Death Could've Been Avoided

One of the main characters introduced in Season 1 itself, D'Angelo Barksdale was easily one of the most likable members on the wrong side of the law. However, his moral compass ended up being a problem for Stringer Bell, who decided to waste one of his most valuable soldiers in the organization.

While it's true that D'Angelo's moral compass had developed quite a bit, he was still loyal to his people and would never have snitched on them. As a result, his death was completely unnecessary.

6 Tommy Carcetti Should've Been The Last Person To Be Suprised By The State Of Baltimore's Finances

While Tommy Carcetti might've been introduced in Seasons 3 of The Wire, he was still a powerful councilor who would've definitely attended a ton of meetings related to the state of the city of Baltimore.

So, the fact that he was genuinely surprised by the messed-up nature of Baltimore's finances is rather weird — how was he not aware of this situation from the very moment he got a seat on the city council?

5 The Idea That A Serial Killer Is On The Loose Should've Made National Headlines

The idea that McNulty ended up tampering with multiple crime scenes in Season 5 in order to make it appear like there was a serial killer in Baltimore is something that is nonsensical enough as is, but the manner in which this news was covered in the show was rather underwhelming, as well.

After all, the fact of the matter is that the idea of a serial killer hunting down homeless men in one of the most crime-heavy areas in the country would've definitely made the national news, but ends up being restricted to local coverage instead.

4 There Are Several Moments In The Series When The FBI Should've Been Involved In Cases

While The Wire is generally quite realistic when it comes to its depiction of life in Baltimore, there are moments when the manner in which the law carries out its investigations and the like can be somewhat lacking.

After all, there are several moments when cases should've been federal but were still handled on a local front instead. Notable examples include when the Barksdale Organization shipped drugs from New York to Baltimore, and when Marlo Stanfield left dead bodies on federal property.

3 The Much-Derided Flashback Scene In The First Episode Of The Show

The Wire didn't take a ton of episodes to get its stride going, but one has to admit that the first episode is far from being perfect. This is mainly because of the weird flashback scene that is shoehorned into the first episode, making for an odd narrative choice indeed.

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This happens when D'Angelo sees William Gant's body, cutting to a flashback of when he was testifying in court against the Barksdales. It's a rather off-putting scene, and David Simon — the creator of the show — himself has gone on record to say that the only reason this scene exists is that the higher-ups at HBO pretty much forced him to include this flashback in the first episode.

2 Cedric Daniels Having A Shady Past Is Really Hard To Believe

For the most part, Lieutenant Daniels is shown to be an honest policeman who always followed the rules and never lets up on the cases he followed.

So, the fact that the first season spends a ton of time trying to convince the viewer that he has a shady past is rather odd — after all, his behavior isn't indicative of a background that's even remotely corrupt.

1 Pryzbylewski Managing To Become A Schoolteacher After Being Dismissed From The Force Is Hard To Believe

After accidentally shooting a black plainclothes officer and getting discharged from the force amidst a racial scandal, one would assume that Prez would've found it extremely hard to find a job, given this massive blemish on his record.

So, the fact that he became a schoolteacher is definitely hard to believe — how did no one at the school do a background check and realize that he was the perpetrator in this supposed racial crime?

NEXT: 5 Things The Sopranos Did Better Than The Wire (And 5 The Wire Did Better)

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February 21, 2021 at 10:00AM

The Wire: 10 Major Flaws Of The Show That Fans Choose To Ignore - Screen Rant
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