October 15, 2005: It is, for many of us who follow college football, the greatest regular-season Saturday in the sport’s history. It includes what most people believe is the greatest USC-Notre Dame game ever played.

Trojans Wire wanted to talk to @IrishWireND about that 2005 game on its 16th anniversary. We also wanted to compare this past Saturday — October 9, 2021 — to October 15, 2005. This past Saturday was one of the best regular-season Saturdays in the past 16 years. What details made 10/15/2005 better than 10/9/2021? We wanted to create a larger context for readers at both Trojans Wire and Fighting Irish Wire.

@NickShepkowski is the editor of Fighting Irish Wire. He does a tremendous job running that site and providing high-quality content on Notre Dame football. You’ll want to follow what he and his team are doing in the lead-up to the Notre Dame-USC game on Oct. 23.

Nick joined Trojans Wire for a discussion of this past Saturday; October 15, 2005; the history of Notre Dame-USC; and more.

We’ll have a separate discussion with nick on the 2021 Notre Dame-USC game early next week, plus a lot of collaborative articles in which we gain insights from each other on ND-USC history and this week’s coming game.

Watch this space, and watch @IrishWireND as well.