Captain Marvel and Black Widow aren't the only female Marvel superheroes destined to hit the big screen. According to Deadline on Wednesday, director and actor Olivia Wilde "has closed a deal to direct and develop a secret Marvel film project revolving around a female character in the universe."
While no details have been revealed over which female Marvel superhero will get the spotlight, Wilde's tweet on Wednesday about the movie news featured a spider emoji, hinting that Spider-Woman might finally get her own stand-alone film. The movie could focus on any one of the popular Marvel characters Gwen Stacy, Mary Jane Watson and Jessica Drew, all of whom have been portrayed as Spider-Woman in the comics.
Not only will Wilde direct but she's also reportedly writing the screenplay as well, alongside her writing partner Katie Silberman. Amy Pascal is set to produce and Rachel O'Connor will executive produce -- making this an all-women led film behind the scenes as well.
Wilde is best known for playing the character Dr. Remy Hadley in the medical-drama TV series, House M.D., as well as her roles in the films Tron: Legacy, Cowboys & Aliens, Her, Rush, The Longest Week and Meadowland, to name a few.
Wilde made her directorial debut with the 2019 critically-acclaimed teen comedy film Booksmart, for which she won the Independent Spirit Award for Best First Feature.
Sony and Marvel didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.
This isn't the only female superhero movie that Sony is developing. Both Black Cat and Silver Sable will eventually be getting their own movies as well.
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August 20, 2020 at 07:01AM
Olivia Wilde to direct a female Marvel superhero movie for Sony - CNET
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